Welcome to SPC

Summer services on Ocean Isle Beach

Beach worship

All are welcome

Greeters and ushers for Sunday services are always needed. This is an easy, short-term way to serve!

Our Sanctuary


Chancel choir


Playground for kids

Beach Worship

Welcome, Kiddos

Beach service

Mission: Operation Christmas Child

Local Mission

The Pantry

Mission work at the Pantry

Pantry Packing

Mission: Ready to serve

Fellowship...and Food!

The Promise

Beach Worship

Summer Beach Worship

Time with Youth

Sunday morning worship

Join a Bible study


Every Sunday we gather together as a community of friends and family. Both the 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM services are conducted with dignity in the Presbyterian tradition. Every Sunday we have a time of celebration with music, prayer, and a Biblical message. During the summer months, the 8:30 AM service is moved to Ocean Isle Beach where people from all over the United States join in ecumenical worship on the sandy Atlantic ocean shore.

Sunday Service

8:30 AM During the Summer - Beach Services @ Driftwood Access, Ocean Isle Beach, NC
8:30 AM - Non-summer - in Our Sanctuary
11:00 AM - Every Sunday in Our Sanctuary @ 5070 M.H. Roark Dr., Shallotte, NC

To view video recordings of our 11:00 AM Worship services:
  • Click on the name of a sermon series to see a list of all videos in the series. Select the one you wish to view.
  • See the Latest Sermon at the bottom of the page.

Series: Weekly Services


Latest Sermon