Music at SPC

                 Music Director - Paul Freeman                  


  Pianist/Organist - Tanya Allston


Music makes a difference in worship, doesn’t it? We hear the sound of a single ringing chime and the space is transformed. We speak our gratitude for God's amazing grace—and before we know it—our voices are singing. And when we hear the pitches of a familiar hymn (insert your favorite one here), it doesn’t matter if those pitches are played or sung, the space and time become sacred and holy. Music makes a difference in worship. It draws us together in our listening and singing. It leads us into our prayer and praise—as do all the arts. 

This faith community is very fortunate to have many gifted and dedicated volunteer musicians. They practice regularly making Thursday nights pretty busy around here—and sometimes noisy—in the best kind of way. For in the midst of our music making, we share life stories, pray what’s on our hearts, laugh over silly things said and done, and remember that “grace abounds.”

"Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love."

We know that schedules, life events and circumstances cause us to be here some weeks and not others. It’s okay. If you can participate some months and not others, it’s okay. We can adapt. If you’d like to give this ministry a try, what you need to know to get started follows.

Choir 2023

Chancel Choir

Our dedicated Chancel Choir prepares special music each week for the 11:00 Worship Service in our Sanctuary. Some members also provide special music each week for the 8:30 Worship Service. The music is thoughtfully selected to support the sermon text for that day. Additionally, they share their talents with us during Seasonal Celebrations and in their recording of hymns for use at our Summer Beach Worship Ministry on Ocean Isle Beach. No formal audition is required.

Rehearses Thursday night in the Sanctuary from 7:00-8:00 (8:30PM)

Rehearses Sunday morning in the Choir Room from 10:30-10:50AM

Contact person: Music Director, Paul Freeman at: 336-239-9856 (Cell) or  

Bells 2023

SPC Handbell Choir

The bell has called Christians to worship for centuries. We are blessed with a beautiful set of Handbells which allow our Handbell Choir members to continue that ancient tradition. Members work as a single unit to transcend the mechanics of the music and “speak” to the listener. 

Rehearses Thursday night in the Sanctuary from 6:00-7:00PM

When playing, rehearses Sunday mornings in the Sanctuary from 10:00-10:30AM

Contact person, Music Director, Paul Freeman at: 336-239-9856 (Cell) or

Instrumentalists and Other Arts Possibilities 

Included in our group of gifted volunteer musicians are instrumentalists who bless us rather regularly with their violin and cello music. If you play an instrument or have gifts in any area of the arts and you feel called to share them, let's talk. Please contact Music Director Paul Freeman at: 336-239-9856 (Cell) or